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41st IUPAC COUNCIL Meeting
Brisbane, Australia, 7-8 July 2001

Documentation for Council Agenda Items


  1. Introductory Remarks and Finalization of Agenda
    - Agenda
    - Guidelines for Discussion and Debate in Council (pdf file - 10KB)
  2. Approval of Minutes of 40th Council Meeting and Matters Arising
  3. Ratification of Decisions Taken by Bureau and Executive Committee since 40th General Assembly (pdf file - 20KB)
  4. Announcement of Nominations for Union Officers and Bureau Members
    - Vote Assignments (pdf file - 26KB)
    - Voting Procedures (as of 17 May 2001) (pdf file - 70KB)
  5. Announcement of Time of Elections
  6. Statutory Report of President on State of Union (pdf file - 37KB)
  7. Vice-President's Critical Assessment (pdf file - 3.5MB)
  8. Report of Secretary General (pdf file - 21KB)
  9. - Biennial Report of Treasurer and Report of Finance Committee (pdf file - 38KB)
    - Appointment of Auditors for 2001 and 2002 (pdf file - 5KB)
    - Accounts for 1999-2000 (pdf file - 33KB)
  10. Reports of Division Presidents (10 minutes each)
    - Physical and Biophysical Chemistry Division (pdf file - 291KB); appendix (pdf file - 22KB)
    - Inorganic Chemistry Division (pdf file - 23KB)
    - Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry Division (pdf file - 19KB)
    - Macromolecular Division (pdf file - 31KB)
    - Analytical Chemistry Division (pdf file - 28KB)
    - Division of Chemistry and the Environment (pdf file - 21KB)
    - Chemistry and Human Health (pdf file - 5KB)
  11. Reports of Standing Committee Chairmen (10 minutes each)
    11.1. Committee on Printed and Electronic Publications (pdf file - 18KB)
    11.2. CHEMRAWN Committee (pdf file - 12KB)
    11.3. Committee on Chemistry and Industry (pdf file - 15KB)
    11.4. Committee on Teaching of Chemistry (pdf file - 15KB)
    ------ Future Strategy in Chemistry Education (pdf file - 18KB)
    11.5. Project Committee (written report only) (pdf file - 9KB)
    11.6. Evaluation Committee (written report only) (pdf file - 24KB)
  12. Proposed Changes to Statutes and Bylaws
    12.1. Revision of Bylaw B4.103 - Division Electorate - Bureau (pdf file - 13KB)
    12.2. Revision of Bylaw B4.1064 - Responsibilities of Division Committees - Slovak National Committee for Chemistry (pdf file - 10KB)
  13. New Division Rules (pdf file - 24KB)
  14. Organizational Changes in Existing IUPAC Bodies, Proposals for New and Reconstituted Bodies/Terms of Reference
    14.1 Proposed Division of Systematic Nomenclature and Structure Representation (pdf file - 14KB)
    14.2. Continuation of the Joint Commission on Biochemical Terminology (pdf file - 7KB)
    14.3. Proposed New Commissions (pdf file - 42KB)
    14.4. Restructuring of the Division of Chemistry and Human Health (pdf file - 7KB)
  15. Budget Proposal and National Subscriptions for 2002-3 (pdf file - 14KB)
  16. Proposals Formally Received from National Adhering Organizations
    16.1. Method of Calculation of National Subscriptions-Czech National Committee for Chemistry (pdf file - 192KB)
    16.2. Proposal from the French National (discussion only) (pdf file - 8KB)
    ------ Letter (pdf file - 3.4MB)
    ------ Table (pdf file - 9KB)
    16.3. Resolution from UK National Committee (pdf file - 9KB)
  17. Official Language of IUPAC (Statute 5.405) (pdf file - 5KB)
  18. National Adhering Organization Status of Pakistan and Saudi Arabia (pdf file - 41KB)
    - Letter from the NAO of Saudi Arabia (pdf file - 1.2MB)
  19. Plans for 42nd General Assembly and 37th Congress (Ottawa, 2003) (pdf file - 6KB)
  20. Approval of Dates and Sites of 43rd General Assembly and 38th Congress (2005) (pdf file - 4KB)
    - Beijing, China (pdf file - 7.4MB)
    - Oviedo, Spain (pdf file - 29KB)
  21. Election of Union Officers and Bureau Members and Approval of Elected Officers of Divisions
  22. Review of Associated Organizations (pdf file - 9KB)
  23. Strategic Plan 2002-3 (pdf file - 9KB)
  24. Adoption of Recommendations on Nomenclature and Symbols (pdf file - 10KB)
  25. Important Matters Discussed by Bureau at 41st General Assembly not Covered by Items on Council Agenda
  26. Any Other Business (discussion only)

Sat. 7 July 2001, 9:30-12:30 & 14:00-18:00
Sun. 8 July 2001, 9:00-12:30
Customs House building

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