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 News & Notices

Minutes of 71st Bureau
26-27 September 1998, Frankfurt, Germany

Proposal from the Executive Committee for Changes in the Organization and Management of IUPAC's Scientific Activities

In April, 1998, the Executive Committee unanimously endorsed the integrated program and timeframe proposed by the Strategy Development and Implementation Committee (SDIC) for improvement in the organization and management of the Union's scientific activities. This program is designed to convert the present Division/Commission structure to one that is more dynamic and under which approved projects will be carried out by short-term Task Groups that report directly to the Division Committees. Subsequently, the EC has also endorsed the recommendations of the Committee on Project Evaluation Criteria (CPEC). Together, these sets of recommendations provide a clear direction for the Union to

  • revitalize its scientific activities,
  • ensure the selection of only high quality projects to bear the IUPAC label,
  • encourage participation by the worldwide chemistry community,
  • optimize the use of IUPAC's limited financial resources, and
  • simplify management and accountability.

The need for changes in the overall operations of the Union's seven Divisions and 37 Commissions has been repeatedly demonstrated in discussions and debates over many years. The rationale for selecting the particular course of action proposed here is laid out in great detail in the reports by the SDIC and the CPEC.

The Bureau is now being asked to approve the program outlined below. All actions requested are clearly within the authority of the Bureau except for two changes in Bylaws, which the Bureau is asked to endorse for submission to Council in 1999. By approving the program now, the Bureau will permit the Divisions and the Secretariat to initiate certain changes immediately and to provide a period of three years to fully phase in the new procedures. The Bureau is asked to:

1. Approve a policy that gives authority to each Division Committee to initiate and directly manage all scientific projects, symposia and other activities within its area of responsibility, and to cooperate with other Divisions to initiate and manage interdisciplinary projects, symposia and other activities.

2. Encourage Division Committees to actively solicit ideas for projects from NAOs, national chemical societies, regional federations, international specialty societies and industry groups, IUPAC Fellows, and participants at relevant scientific symposia, as well as from current Commissions and advisory groups established by the Divisions.

3. Confirm the authority of Division Committees to appoint Task Groups as needed to carry out specific projects.

4. Approve the recommendations by the SDIC for the nomination process for Members and Officers of Division Committees, in order to strengthen the Committees and assure breadth of expertise. Provide flexibility to Division Committees to define details of the process within the SDIC guidelines, subject to approval by the Executive Committee.

5. Authorize Divisions to suspend, to the end of 2001, portions of their Rules that are in conflict with points 1-4. Request the Secretary General and the Divisions to develop new Rules that reflect the enhanced role of Division Committees and the needs of the new project-driven system.

6. Approve the recommendations by the CPEC for prospective and retrospective evaluation and funding of projects from the Divisions and Standing Committees, beginning January 1, 1999. Establish the Project Committee and the Evaluation Committee within the Bureau, as proposed by the CPEC.

7. Establish the size of Division Committees as 10 Titular Members and up to six Associate Members if requested by the Division, in accord with Bylaw 4.103. Authorize the Executive Committee to make exceptions to the number of Titular Members, through 2001, in order to assist Divisions in phasing in the new procedures.

8. Authorize each Division to add up to six non-voting National Representatives to its Division Committee, with qualifications of the NRs to be approved by both the relevant Division Committee and the relevant NAO.

9. Recommend that Council, in exercising its responsibility under Bylaw 4.302, decide at the General Assembly in 1999 not to continue any existing Commission beyond the end of 2001. This action in 1999 will permit each Division Committee to utilize the period 1999-2001 to take a fresh look at its overall programs, to consider how best to allocate its resources, and to determine the optimum way to provide for oversight of activities and continuity of programs. During this period (and thereafter), if a Division Committee believes that a new Commission is needed, it may request the Bureau and Council to form such a Commission by making a persuasive case via the procedures given in Bylaw 4.301, including a specification of the life of the new body.

10. Approve a policy of providing IUPAC funds for support of approved projects and other specific activities, not support of the travel of Titular Members per se. Recommend that Council amend Bylaw 4.307 in 1999 to remove the "right" of Titular Members to receive travel reimbursements.

11. Request the Treasurer to adjust Division budgets within the current biennium as needed in order to assist Divisions to phase in new procedures for approval and funding of scientific projects. Request the Treasurer and Finance Committee to develop budgets for the 1999-2000 and 2001-2002 biennia that reflect the phased conversion to a project-driven system, with increases in Division allocations, creation of a central pool of funds for support of projects, and concomitant reduction in the budgets for future General Assemblies.

12. Request the Secretary General and Division Presidents to refine the concept of Division Membership in the planned project-driven system. Bylaw 4.102 currently defines the Membership of a Division as the Titular and Associate Members of the Division Committees and of the Commissions within the Division. With the anticipated major change in the number of Commissions and in their roles in the Division's programs, this Bylaw may need to be amended. In the light of experience gained during the transition period, 1999-2001, the Secretary General should present, through the Executive Committee, proposals for necessary action by the Bureau and Council in 2001.

A Final Note. The actions requested of the Bureau are phrased in formal terms involving the organizational components of the Union. Underlying the organization, however, are the members of the many bodies that constitute IUPAC. These eminent scientists collectively devote enormous amounts of time and effort to the Union, and the accomplishments of such volunteer members have, over decades, created IUPAC's reputation. The proposed changes are aimed only at improving the efficiency of the Union's operations, not in any way questioning the quality or dedication of existing IUPAC bodies. It is essential that that message be clearly articulated by the Bureau and by the Division Officers.

It is important to recognize that people used to one system of organization and management may be alarmed and suspicious of impending change. The wide dissemination of the SDIC recommendations and solicitation of comments have been designed to permit the consideration of all views. The three-year period proposed before full implementation of the new system and termination of existing Commissions is very long in the fast-paced modern world, but is strongly recommended to permit an orderly transition and to ensure that individuals currently serving on IUPAC bodies may complete their appointments. Moreover, the flexibility requested in several instances is largely designed to permit the Divisions to deal in a very human way with individual situations.

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